Day 3
We arrived in Cozumel at 9am. I had excursions planned for our other 2 ports, but Cozumel we were just going to see where the day took us. The Mom’s wanted to do some shopping. Mark wanted to rent a jeep and show his Dad the island. We met somewhere in the middle.
We stopped by the Jeep rental place and it was $95 for the day to rent. We thought that was a decent deal… they wanted $200 to rent a golf cart in Key West. However…. I read somewhere that if you get into a car accident in Mexico, they arrest you and figure out the logistics out later. I honestly don’t know if there is any truth to this or not…but if it happened to someone… it would be us! Just as I was trying to convince Mark he was about to end up in a Mexican jail, the guy came back as we were filling out the paperwork and said the last Jeep had been rented. I took that as a sign. Nope… we didn’t want anything else. Gracias. We’ll be on our way now and I drug my family out of there.
I hit up a guy about an island tour and he quoted me $40 per person. 4 hour tour. They would take us to a couple of beaches for photos, passed some Mayan ruins, to the Tequila factory and then to downtown for some shopping. Sounded like a great deal so T and I went to go round up the Mom’s. We both decided they were probably in Diamond’s International and we were right.
We headed back with the whole group and could not find that guy… but the next one we found said $30 per person for the same tour only 3 hours and no ruins. Deal. I did try to find someone that would do it for $20… kinda felt like I was on a roll, but that was a no go. So the $30 dude it was.
We were taken in an air conditioned van… only 1 other couple was with us. Poor things. I could not imagine being invaded with my family when you are least expecting it! They seemed to be troopers though!
First stop was a little Mayan hut. We got out and walked through the grounds and of course donated some money in the little gift shop. Apparently this little thing is known for fertility... I stayed well away from it. They say if you rub it, you will become pregnant. I took the widest path around it I could find :)
Next stop was Paradise Beach. Trenton has decided we need to go here next time we come to Cozumel! They had a really nice pool and bar. Some pretty birds and lots of inflatable water toys. If you decided to go by taxi it really isn't far down the road from the port and it is beautiful! Not sure what the actual price to get in and stay is.
We drove back through town and onto the Tequila factory. We received a little education in how tequila is made and the difference between that tequila and what we purchase in the United States... as they do not ship theirs.
We were able to taste 4 different types of tequila’s and 4 tequila liquors. They really were amazing and my tequila drinking days are FAR behind me! Most tequila comes close to setting your esophagus on fire as you swallow and this was so smooth! Mark kept asking if I was going to buy a bottle… while it was ridiculously good I saw no reason why I needed to be sitting at home sipping on tequila… lol. If YOU are interested in purchasing a bottle it is $85 USD per bottle.
There is a little restaurant attached and that is where we ate lunch. It was pretty good. We met some other people there who were from Missouri, but own a house in Cozumel… that really got Mark’s wheels a turning!
If you ever eat here... Just be prepared your bill comes in Peso’s! We had to ask for assistance to know how much our bill was so we could convert our tip into Peso’s. We checked the credit card company once we got back on the ship and everything looks like it was a go!
As we were leaving and heading back to the bus we saw the people with the birds. The price is $5 for 2 pictures. We decided why not? Mark had my phone and this was our second picture. The guy put a bird on Trenton's shoulder and I thought I was just leaning in the picture, when all of a sudden he says "Mommy, look sexy." I said "Excuse me?" He says "You know put your hand on your hip like this." I am thinking "What the hell..." So I put my hand on my hip and he says hold out your finger. As I do this... he attaches another damn bird to my finger and Mark snaps the picture! So here you have it my friends. The single most awful...yet hilarious picture I have ever taken in my life!
After lunch we headed downtown and had about 45 minutes to shop. We did good and found everything that was on our list. After rounding everyone back in the van we headed back to the port for more shopping of course! Trenton is in LOVE with the Cariloha shirts and of course Del Sol now has a Star Wars collection. The kid that never wants to buy clothes suddenly can’t pass up a shop!
By this time we were officially exhausted and headed back to the ship. Dinner was good as usual, but uneventful. We did receive some chocolate dipped strawberries as a we are sorry from our debacle at the steakhouse on night 1. That was a nice before bed time treat. We all turned in early in anticipation of our day in Belize….
(*So once again... I apologize for all the sideways pictures :/)